We are a danish speaking clan. ( for English see below )
Vi taler dansk sammen i klanen, vi værdsætter hyggelige stunder og have det sjovt sammen er værdifuldt nok for os.
Vi behandler hinanden ordentligt, og man taler ordentligt til hinanden.
Velkommen Mvh Scorpion CMD
P.s. er du fraværrende i mere end 60 dage uden at give besked, betragtes det som at du er stoppet med at spille spillet og vil blive ekskluderet fra klanen, du kan så ansøge igen hvis du genoptager spillet.
ENGLISH version.
We speak Danish together but english is a second language for us, in the clan, we value pleasant moments and having fun together is valuable enough for us.
We treat each other with respect and we talk to each other properly.
Regards Scorpion CMD
P.s. if you are absent for more than 60 days without giving notice, it is considered that you have stopped playing the game and will be excluded from the clan, you can then apply again if you resume the game.