[P-NED] PWNED - Anonymous The word will forever remain my only legacy...


“If life hands you a lemon adjust your rose colored glasses and start to selling pink lemonade.”

We are forming a powerful team. We will welcome both experienced fighters and beginners. Good luck to everyone on the battlefield.

Формуємо потужний колектив. Будемо раді як досвідченим бійцям так і новачкам.

Регулярні кланові резерви та жодних зобов'язань. Граємо що хочем та коли хочем.

Всім успіху на полі бою!

Glory to Ukraine!!!

Estatísticas do Clan

Numero de Membros: 15

Ø Batalhas17656
Ø WN81103,90
Ø Taxa de Vitórias47,86%

Membros do Clan

#Nome do Jogador30D WN830D BattlesWN8Ø Taxa de VitóriasBatalhasUltima BatalhaPosiçãoIngressou
2PR0Skill_738,28231969,0451,43%5682Oficial Executivo
3Captain_Panica_0,0001343,6365,76%184Instrutor de pessoal
4MacCoffee_1585,498811327,4447,94%76130Oficial Executivo
5MordernOle1262,264091216,8449,69%64769Oficial júnior
6_Tomzz_1516,613591187,7347,37%6865Instrutor de pessoal
7_Viper__20191184,727361154,8047,23%13407Oficial de inteligência
8Cyber1971207,58736960,5447,66%15531Instrutor de pessoal
103JIa9I_peJImen9I1286,7713923,8346,73%9093Instrutor de pessoal
11PeRseY_StreLok0,000901,4347,63%15060Instrutor de pessoal
12kokosik61834,18518897,8546,00%7266Oficial Executivo
13D_E_M_O_2015_01_010,005696,6447,54%9255Diretor de Combate
14aliks_zvir662,40189513,3943,99%27871Instrutor de pessoal
15OnASniY_WoZrAsT0,000365,7645,71%315Oficial júnior

História do Clan

Nome do JogadorAlterarData