[MEEAD] Mostelvirian Empire Elite Armored Division

Dor nurd Valdermaïnster sag Valdererz ! Vaï Comhell !


Driving the deadliest war machines, these fearless elite soldiers are the pride of Mostelvirian Erzenkregs. They fight on all fronts for the glory of their invincible Emperor Astaroth Friedrich Comhell. and are known as brave and merciless by their enemies.
Spearhead of Mostelvir, they bring doom and destruction on the battlefield, regardless of the danger ; always ahead for demonstrating the all-might of the Empire and his superior technology. Nothing can stop their raging charge, and the voice of the Emperor resounds in their guns, while they impose the imperial domination around Emsoril.

Estatísticas do Clan

Numero de Membros: 4

Ø Batalhas11609
Ø WN81187,82
Ø Taxa de Vitórias50,34%

Membros do Clan

Estatísticas de Skirmishes


História do Clan

Nome do JogadorAlterarData