[FTDT] Fight Together Die Together

Fight for each other and die for each other!


We Are Fight together Die together we are an elite squad which destorys our enemies with combat efficent tatics which makes us invisible to the enemy but makes the enemy stand out like a red flashing becon we dont leave any man behind and we will fight together and we will die for eachother and thats our code of conduct see you on the battlefield!

Estatísticas do Clan

Numero de Membros: 5

Ø Batalhas3196
Ø WN8734,39
Ø Taxa de Vitórias46,61%

Membros do Clan

Estatísticas de Skirmishes


História do Clan

Nome do JogadorAlterarData
zohan41Saiu 24/12/2024, 21:06 UTC
EllisCraneSaiu 24/12/2024, 21:06 UTC
Seagate_WarriorSaiu 24/12/2024, 21:06 UTC
mammadueSaiu 24/12/2024, 21:06 UTC
SimonTheBoobieBotSaiu 24/12/2024, 21:06 UTC