Give me your tears, water my troll saplings..
No Drama, Ability to listen, will to learn, execute in the best way possible, and win after all!
Minimum Requirements: 6500+ battles, 1500 Wn8 or 1950+ 60 days Wn8 52% win% or more.
For recruitment contact KILL3RBer via In-Game chat or get into our recruitment channel on TS.
[Y_Y] Tears
Cry Moar!
Membros do Clan
# | Nome do Jogador | 30D WN8 | 30D Battles | WN8 | Ø Taxa de Vitórias | Batalhas | Ultima Batalha | Posição | Ingressou | ||
1 | gerrit | 0,00 | 0 | 1676,28 | 51,28% | 22649 | Oficial Executivo | ||||
2 | BEST_SCOUT_NA_2015 | 0,00 | 0 | 1635,46 | 60,98% | 82 | Comandante |
Estatísticas de Skirmishes
# | Nome do Jogador | 7D Battles | 30D Battles |
1 | gerrit | 0 | 0 |
2 | BEST_SCOUT_NA_2015 | 0 | 0 |