The competitive Sub Clan of SNPAI
1600+ recent WN8 in tier 10s
1900+ DPG In META Tier Xs
Clan Wars experience is greatly appreciated
3+ Meta Tier 10s (IS7, 260, Leo, BZ-75, CS, Canopener M-V-Y, 277, 907, EBR, 60TP, E100, Maus, 279e etc.)
Active 3-4+ nights/week
Exceptions may be granted on a case-by-case basis.
For recruitment: Join our Discord at and post your page in the request-tags channel or contact below:
IGN: Kitkat_ThePharaohGoon
Discord: k_i_t_k_a_t
SENSI leadership is not responsible for the behavior of our clan members in game.