[DHO3] Dads Hideout 3

Dads having fun 3


The Dads Hideout Clan is a casual group of console and PC gamers. The only requirement to join us is that you must be a father. We have seven divisions due to the sheer size of our membership base. In DHO3 we concentrate on Clan Wars on the weekend. We are the second most Clan Wars active clans in the DHO group, only DHO-X do more CW than us, but they are the dedicated CW clan. We are all fathers and have a common understanding that real life comes first. If you have to be away for a minute or several days in order to handle real life events you will not hear any complaints. We have our own TeamSpeak 3 server and website. WWW.DADSHIDEOUT.COM

Estatísticas do Clan

Numero de Membros: 53

Ø Batalhas12172
Ø WN8881,03
Ø Taxa de Vitórias48,44%

Membros do Clan


História do Clan

Nome do JogadorAlterarData