[BALKC] Big Black Gamers

“Once you go BALKC, you never go back” - Johnathan Sins


-Min Recent Wn8 of 5500 at Tier X.(Slightly negotiable)
-Must be able to wear maid/schoolgirl outfit at LEAST 4 days a week(Mandatory/non-negotiable)
-Must be able to send photo verification of item above hourly(Mandatory/non-negotiable)

-This is an EXTREMELY competitive clan, therefore competitive experience is preferred:

-(Preferred): EU/RU Global Level comp experience.
-(Preferred): No, NA comp experience doesn’t count
-(Preferred): No, FINES doesn’t count as comp

-Interested in Applying?
Call: 1-888-843-4564 and tell them you are “Looking to be BALKCed”

Estatísticas do Clan

Numero de Membros: 1

Ø Batalhas15499
Ø WN83241,82
Ø Taxa de Vitórias58,47%

Membros do Clan

#Nome do Jogador30D WN830D BattlesWN8Ø Taxa de VitóriasBatalhasUltima BatalhaPosiçãoIngressou

Estatísticas de Skirmishes

#Nome do Jogador7D Battles30D Battles

História do Clan

Nome do JogadorAlterarData