[-PBL-] Punishment by Law

Where gamer's, come alive!



Punishment By Law has been around for a long time now. We originally began on battlefield play for Free. After that game died off, we played many other games. We have found ourselves here, on World of Tanks and World of Warships.

Our goal is to be successful in Skirmishes, Strongholds, and Clan Wars. However, while doing so, it is most important that we have a great enjoyable time getting there. This clan is Drama FREE.

Website: http://pbl.iclanwebsites.com/
Teamspeak: pbl.clandns.com

Feel free to contact Kage_Krieger, Pr0b00t or any of our officers for more information.

Estatísticas do Clan

Numero de Membros: 9

Ø Batalhas3755
Ø WN81080,52
Ø Taxa de Vitórias50,64%

Membros do Clan

Estatísticas de Skirmishes


História do Clan

Nome do JogadorAlterarData