[-GOD-] Ghosts of Darkness

Turning Lead Into Gold!


Ghosts Of Darkness are looking for members who have fun and would like to share that fun with others. I run a self-functioning clan if you have tactic skills an is a leader, if you just started playing yesterday..we want you !! Old Young let's Play Have Fun!!!!

play tournaments and win gold
Share the reward of new and prem tank
Learn new skills and tact!!

We are also trying to put together a clan wars group that would participate in Advances and Skirmishes at least once a week to prepare for Global Map events. While there are no requirements to join this clan, if you would like to be part of this in-clan group, you will need at least one meta Tier 10. Please let message Angry_Tomato or express your interest in Global Map events when joining to find out more.

Good Hunting!


Estatísticas do Clan

Numero de Membros: 37

Ø Batalhas13588
Ø WN81090,11
Ø Taxa de Vitórias48,93%

Membros do Clan

#Nome do Jogador30D WN830D BattlesWN8Ø Taxa de VitóriasBatalhasUltima BatalhaPosiçãoIngressou
1SD0S0,0002096,9955,05%9951Oficial júnior
2_AngryTomato_2425,132751657,7950,90%21221Oficial Executivo
3TankDemon6660,0001577,0452,11%17939Oficial de recrutamento
4deadman1320,0001550,7352,16%18923Oficial de recrutamento
5jukill0,0001516,0349,99%5747Oficial júnior
7Stainless_332057,111101352,1249,59%23290Instrutor de pessoal
8Tacmedic80,0011296,5950,23%41327Instrutor de pessoal
9takuyaman0,0001274,0150,96%37347Diretor de Combate
10ItBernsWhenIPvP1179,56461235,6850,38%3593Oficial de recrutamento
11aw0040080,0001206,8849,89%15166Diretor de Combate
12zaniacg0,0001134,0249,99%13574Oficial Executivo
13Iv_n_Rosas0,0001132,2948,49%1883Oficial júnior
14FIBG33330,0001103,2049,81%38647Oficial Executivo
15Matix_The_Gaul1183,682221104,2248,63%15777Oficial Executivo
17everfacu0,0001078,5848,12%7332Oficial Executivo
18Redbone211771,73891047,8945,90%10342Oficial de inteligência
19DabMasterTank0,0001044,3151,24%121Oficial júnior
20Urizen_4850,000956,8950,13%9055Oficial de recrutamento
21Lightspeed62590,471936,8248,04%4786Diretor de Combate
23iwasneverhere94648,3668878,9349,31%7027Oficial júnior
24AlexTyphon710,28100841,9047,33%20590Instrutor de pessoal
25wecleancarpet743,6151818,6248,76%19242Oficial de inteligência
26MajorAJax0,000816,1347,20%930Oficial de recrutamento
27kevin632899,74126797,1146,17%15011Oficial Executivo
28tankrekr3000,000717,0245,50%2820Oficial júnior
29HoldTip0,000637,7942,28%913Oficial de recrutamento
30LumpX2506,9884592,1845,66%19544Oficial de inteligência
31Tucker_Miller_TM0,000476,9143,89%5926Oficial de recrutamento
32D_E_L_T_A_10,000460,2944,01%11566Instrutor de pessoal
33jakeb110,000451,6946,40%3968Oficial júnior
35Sidious8030,000414,6343,50%32257Oficial de recrutamento
37Pinkie6660,000231,0841,31%2048Oficial júnior

História do Clan

Nome do JogadorAlterarData